This is the funnniest thing since the liger!
The Liger, my new favorite animal.
I love hybrids!
Today my goal is to drink about 5 bottles of water. I already drank 2 bottles so I'm almost halfway there. I have to flush out my system today because, (he he) today is my last day wearing glasses. Yessiree bob! Tomorrow at this time, my eyes will be getting zapped by a giant "laser." No more contacts or glasses. I can't wait. I'm a little nervous, but I'm not going to think about it. So in a couple of days, expect my blow by blow account of the whole ordeal!
So here are my instructions:
Have a driver pick you up.
Take out contacts 4 days before surgery.
Put "Refresh Plus" eyedrops 4x a day
Drink 6-8 glasses of water
On the day of surgery:
Eat a big breakfast
Dress casual and warm
After surgery:
No swimming for two weeks
No eye makeup for two weeks
No weight lifting or sports for two weeks
I can live with that. The only think I can't deal with is doing nothing. After the surgery, it is recommended to rest as much as possible. So when I get home, I'm advised to nap. I'm not going to watch any TV, read or use the computer for about 3 days. So what am I to do with that time? Any suggestions?
Can you believe that the Norwegian Dawn was the last cruise that I've been on??? (August '04) It was the best cruise I've ever taken. The food and ship were spectacular. And ironically, I was on Deck 10 - the wave was that high.
I can't believe that freak wave hit that boat! What happened to re-routing?
The question is:
Will I ever cruise again?
You betcha!
Will I have a fear of freak 70 foot waves hitting the boat when I go to sleep at night?
No doubt!
Will I down that extra martini?