May 15, 2007

Orlando/Miami/Everglades Pics

These pics are of my cousin Ralph and his father Melvin's first visit to the USA. We went to Orlando (Universal and Sea World), he bowled for the first time, we went to Miami Beach and lastly we hit the Everglades to see some gators! It was a packed week, but we all enjoyed it. We have video footage too - my aunt Bernie was going crazy as usual...she really had a good time.

There are two sets of photos, click on each thumbnail below:

May 10, 2007

Gwen Stefani Live - "Cool"

Created by Marie

You Sure Have Changed Since Yesterday...

Are you listening, Gwen?

Yesterday I went to the Gwen Stefani concert. The cool thing was, for a couple of songs which were hip-hopish...she would end in a hard-rock way...the drummer was banging the drums and the guitars were going...and even Anthony had to say that she should really be with her band. It's just not the same with these no-names (who she introduces by the way). And she stole the trumpeters from ND. I remember meeting one of them in New York when he was using a PAY PHONE. Lol. How long ago was that?

And even the songs that were slightly techno/dancy - when they played live with guitars they made sound a MILLION times better and I'm not just saying that because I like rock. I listen to about 5 songs on her album tops, the others are kind of just KILLS me when I know she could be with No Doubt and make quality records where people will actually take her music seriously.

You should see the audience...all they know is her pop stuff and when she sings a song she feels deeply about...people don't know the words and they sort of just stand and stare. It stinks for her, because she's singing something personal that means something to her...and they're just blank.

I KNOW she can tell the difference between ND concerts and her own. She kept asking people to sing along! In a No Doubt concert, we sing ALL the words and know ALL the songs. Gwen, if you're're cute and talented on your own, but please GO back to No Doubt!

May 2, 2007

Fat America

I was taking a picture of a roller coaster in Sea World, and saw this not-so-little girl in the background. Sad, isn't it?
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