Nov 25, 2008
Nov 19, 2008
Peace out, word to yo' mother!
Nov 10, 2008
Nov 5, 2008
What Your Taste in Music Says About You
What Your Taste in Music Says About You |
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you. |
Back Home
Gata and I did see an actress in the city...she is better known as the lead actress in First Knight with Heath Ledger...Shannyn Sossamon. Her son was with her and he had this annoying microphone thingy that made his voice sound robotic. I almost died when Gata texted me that she did a wiki on her and found out her son's name was "Audio Science" so he's really living up to his name! LOL...
Tonight I went to this grand opening of a Mexican, drinks and dessert were FREE. It was great. Not everyday you get to eat for free!
I'm Not As Dumb As I Thought...Maybe I'm Just A Good Guesser
There Are 1 Gaps in Your Knowledge |
Science |
Oct 28, 2008
Going To NYC Manana
Oh last night I caught a Dr 90210 episode last night and saw Hayley (Dr Rey's wife) on a spoiled-rich-wife rampage about a larger house she wants...and just wanted to SMACK HER! She claims she needs 10,000 square feet - how insane is that? Watch, she'll probably just get her way. He should have married someone who like himself had humble beginnings. Dr Rey, you gotta love him and his nunchucking skills...he is such a nut but very likable. How he ended up with her, I have NO idea. Okay, enough of that.
Max Update
Fun With My New iTouch...
Oct 17, 2008
Marie's "Steal Deal Of The Month"
Ladies, you can thank me later.... :)
Time For Change?
I'm feeling antsy...I cut my hair a few months back with some bangs and now it's starting to grow out...I feel like I wanna keep the length...because I feel more feminine with it...I dunno...but I'm thinking of putting in some subtle highlights, maybe a shade or two lighter. A few years back, I had my hair dual processed, it was dyed a few shades lighter and had some light highlights. It was rather pricey to maintain, and after the summer ended, I went back to a brown shade. Anyway, my hair's in this growing out, in between stage...I'm thinking of doing a major change. A woman knows when she's due for one! LOL. I always wanted to have some friends I can go to to get things done for cheaper. I have a friend down here who gave me a trim the other day. I may employ her to lighten me up! I actually found a pic of Jessica Alba when she had black/dark hair and noticed that when she went lighter, her eyebrows got lighter also. I'm also liking the cut...see for yourself:

The 2nd pic is more golden toned and the 3rd one looks more blond...I like the length of the 3rd pic. I dunno, going lighter makes your face look softer. I wanted to not dye my hair until I started sprouting some greys but I'm getting pretty bored.
Oct 15, 2008
New Layout
Oh, Maxie update, he's doing much better...I took him to the vet a couple of days ago because he was throwing up a lot...the infection he has is affecting his kidneys. So they gave him some fluids and a shot, I got some perscription dry food and took him home. I bought Pill Pockets to disguise the pill inside a treat because I had a really hard time getting him to open his mouth! So far so good, he's been eating his dry food which I add water to, making it like cereal. He'd much rather have it dry, but at least he's getting some water which he really needs since he doesn't seeem to drink much. When he's done with his meds, I'm going to take him in for a follow up blood test to check his levels...hopefully he'll be fine. I'll keep him on the special dry food to help avoid any future problems. That's about all the exciting news I have...hope things are going well in everyone's world!
Oct 8, 2008
Problem With Skype & My USB Headphones
For some strange reason, every time my call connects, the volume (wave) automatically mutes, and the master volume will gradually go down to zero. I can manually undo it, but it's a major pain. Thank goodness for the internet, It took me a couple of hours (and a ton of searches and troubleshooting) to figure out it was all linked to this one process: Communications_Helper.exe
Here's how to stop it from messing with your Skype calls:
In Skype, go to:
Tools > Options > Advanced
Under "Other things you can do", click Manage other programs' access to Skype
Click REMOVE Communications_Helper.exe
For those of you who have no clue as to what I'm talking about...just go on about your merry day. I posted this to save some the trouble I went through in having to research and troubleshoot. Happy Skype-ing!
Oct 1, 2008
Our Pet's Heads Are Falling Off! (D&D Reference)

I took him to the vet, and they loved him...he was on his best behavior, sniffing around and rubbing love on them. He did indeed have a UTI. They put him on antibiotics, gave him a shot, and gave me special food to give him to balance his PH. He is not touching the wet food, and it is now Day 2...but eventually he should get the point and eat it. I had a scare this afternoon when I thought he may have been blocked because he wasn't urinating, but I locked him in with his litterbox and eventually heard him go. I'm glad he's able to go, because the whole taking him to the vet and getting him flushed would be incredibly expensive. I'm going away for a few days and a friend will stay at my place and "pill him". The only way I get the pill down, is by first giving him a treat, then he's more inclined to open his mouth the second time...ugh, these cats are like children. I never had problems with any cats in my life so this is foreign to me. But also males are more prone to having UTI and FLUTD because of their tiny urethra's. I usually have female cats. Oh well!
Sep 27, 2008
Music Makes The People Come Together...Yeah...
The way we get music is so different nowadays. I did own a record, yes, Alvin and the Chipmunks. (Honestly, you can take any record, play it at the wrong speed and have a ton of Alvin & the Chipmunks records...ha ha). Then I had tapes, then CD's and now MP3's. (I think my last CD purchased was a No Doubt album). Then MP3's took over the scene and that was it. I found this awesome site which allowed you to download full albums at $4 bucks...but it got shut down. Hmm...wonder why. Wish I took full advantage of that site while it was up. Sometimes I borrow cd's that friends have, and just import it to my iTunes, but I haven't done that in a while. Now I guess I have no choice but to buy MP3's or illegally download them. But we won't get into that. We have so much music from different people's libraries that it's hard to keep track. I haven't had time to upload it all to my iTunes, and the stuff I have on iTunes, I haven't got the time to go through and delete crap. One day...
Usually people like music for it's beat, but I constantly listen to the lyrics first...they really decide whether I like the song or not. So if I discover I don't like the lyrics, even if it's a catchy tune, I don't really like the song. But if the lyrics are deep & meaningful, they just enrich the song so much that the melody carries much more meaning. I like substance...don't get me wrong I have a bunch of silly songs that don't mean anything, but I am really moved by music that pulls weight.
Sep 22, 2008
9 Steps to End Chronic Worrying
I particularly like #3 about "Embracing Uncertainty"...identify what you need to accept in order to get over it, also #6 "Stop the Clock" - What do I need to do to in the present moment to make life more pleasant instead of focusing on problem and increasingly growing sense of urgency. And #7 "Remember that it's not as bad as you think it will be" - that is ME totally, I always think the absolute worst. Some of the other steps, I have yet to try and see their effectivenes. I wish I was the type of person who didn't worry about something until it the meantime, with practice, maybe I can become that person.
Sep 17, 2008
Green Cleaning
Misc. Post

Moving on
A few years back, there were coupons from Bath & Body Works (that we totally abused) that were circulating. It gave us a free aromatherapy product with ANY purchase. Dangerous words. We used it for all it's worth. We would buy a $1 glycerin soap and walk away with "Sleep" "Energy" "Sensual" "Stress Relief" lotions, massage oil, bubble bath, shower gel, you-name-it products. I mean, we went nuts - but it was so much fun. Well recently, a friend of mine was wearing the "Sensual" lotion, and it just gave me memories...but the scent was really really soothing. So I went back to Bath & Body Works looking for a sale or special but found none. Not long after I got my hands on some coupons, so I got the "Sleep" shower gel and lotion...Mmmm. I do believe in aromatherapy...I think it calms us down. Now before bed, I sometimes would spray a calming mist and I'm out like a light. It doesn't work with every single scent though...some scents will wake you up. But there is nothing like a warm bath with lavender and vanilla tones. I prefer a moisturizing bubble bath as opposed to bath salts...
I recently was in a wedding, so that moved me to buy MAC foundation. I really liked the coverage it gave me. I also bought some other MAC's hard not to go over budget in that store! I think I'm at the beginning stages of a MAC junkie...the worst part of shopping at MAC is that it's such a guilty pleasure, you walk away with the guilt of how spending more than you wanted to. I still use my Bare Escentuals makeup. It feels really light and you don't feel like you're clogging your pores with liquid paint. I like makeup...but really really like quality makeup.
With all that said, I'm off to get some things done...I probably should pick up some "Stress Relief" products, ha.
Sep 11, 2008
7 Years Ago
I remember being so fearful right after it happened...I was more cautious and suspicious. In my recent visit to NY, I traveled in the subways and around Mahattan almost with no fear. It's funny how fear, once so paralyzing and strong can weaken and disappear. We's in our nature. Although this morning I was reminded. I kept trying to call Anthony this morning, it would ring once or twice, then go busy. I thought to myself, what if there was another attack?
Our memories & past experiences can re-awaken fear...but we must not let fear take over our lives. Easier said than done. Just remember the power of positive thinking!
Sep 9, 2008
Back From NY...Again
He Delivered Me...Literally
I wanna meet him, is that strange?? Lol...maybe he'll welcome the visit over 20 years later of an infant he helped bring into the world. Or maybe he'll meet me with indifference. I think part of why I want to meet him, is because I actually never met my father - so being that this is someone I have a link to, it somehow seems cool...although don't get me wrong, I'm not likening this to meeting my father.
It probably won't even's just a funny thought. :)
Aug 25, 2008
Sunday Night Blues
On the way home from work today I saw a car that said "Just Divorced". I had my camera on me so I got to take a picture before it drove away. Sweet. I just submitted it to - you can see it if you scroll down a post or two on this page. I'm going to be on the lookout for stuff to submit - now there's inspiration!
Tonight I was invited to go play basketball at the park, only two other people showed, so after an hour, we decided to go to the local spot where a huge group plays soccer. Turned out, I ended up socializing instead of doing what I was supossed to do, which was run around. I'll make up for it tomorrow, because a friend who is learning how to be a Pilates instructor is going to use me and another friend for a training session - she needs to rehearse and practice her training routine, and we're going to benefit by having free Pilates sessions. Hopefully she doesn't kick my butt!
Ooh, milestone! Today I bought for the first time, an anti-wrinkle night cream and anti-wrinkle eye cream. I figured it's time to start using those products...couldn't hurt. Anyway, I have an early day tomorrow...later!
Aug 13, 2008
Looking Back
On a better note, I'm going to be in a wedding September 6Th...Vicky's. I'm excited because I've never been a bridesmaid before and I think it will be a lot of fun. I picked up my dress today. I need to have it altered...I think I'm going to take it with me to NY this weekend and have it done there.
I've developed a really bad habit lately...falling asleep on the couch with the TV and light on and waking up in the middle of the night and having to move to my bed. I think it's making me a bit more tired...the other night I fell asleep watching Frasier - remember that show? It still cracks me up. Anyway...can't think of anything else right now. Laters...
Aug 3, 2008
Travel Woes
Anthony found a site that searches 33 travel sites simultaneously, ( and happily for me, I've been able to find the best deal for my future travels. Unfortunately, it's not with JetBlue. So no leather seats and personal televisions. Sigh. So, I'll have to bring a book for this one...but at least I'm saving some money!
Jul 15, 2008
Meet Me In Barcelona...
For our wedding anniversary, we decided to take a trip to Barcelona, Spain. I get a phonecall from Anthony asking me to check my e-mail because we're going to Barcelona...tomorrow. I have never taken a last-minute overseas trip before so you can imagine the excitement and panic as I run around getting things together. I left feeders for the cats since it was only a few days. I had a fantastic was filled with memorable moments, especially seeing a random naked guy on the streets of Barcelona (happened twice in 3 days, lol). Don't ask, they're some sort of nudist/naturalist. Anyway, here is a photobook of my trip...I ordered it through (FYI: If you want to see my wedding photobook, e-mail me and I'll send you the link)
If you want to make your own photobook, use these coupon codes:
TRAVEL241 or PHOTO241 or MPFREE241-Buy one get one free.
NEWSHARE- $20.00 off first book! (I used this on my second book, it still worked).
Jun 25, 2008
Nice To See Everyone Again
Jun 20, 2008
My Flight Is On Time
Much to my dismay, I could not locate my headphones - and now JetBlue will charge for headphones on their flights. I didn't have any cash on me (who does nowadays?) so after getting through security (which wasn't flawless, my necklace made me beep) I headed to one of the shops to buy a cheap pair. Grrr...there wasn't any cheap pairs. The cheapest one was Sony $12.99 so I plunked the cash, I mean handed over the card and got to my seat in the waiting area.
Ironically, when I have 2-3 hours to kill if my flight is delayed due to weather (which was the case the last 10 times I've flown) the internet is down as well. Well this time, it's not. Hence the blog. :) I haven't blogged in a while, and all of a sudden ideas are coming to mind - but I really don't have much time now. I'll try to write...most of the time my mind draws a blank and I don't really feel inspired. Not that I don't have anything to say, I just don't have any direction.
I have my ipod, books, this laptop and of course the inflight tv. I should be very entertained. I'm going to be seated at 8B. Smack in the middle between 2 people. I hate being in the middle, but I couldn't help it. It was either sit in the middle and be near the front, or be all the way in the back with the noise, the bathroom constantly opening and closing and the bumps. Yes, you feel more bumps in the back just like being in the back of a bus. And no, I'm not imagining it. I'll be fine as long as they don't know each other and are constantly talking over me.
I heard in past reports, of air carriers making it possible for us to talk on our cellphones in flight in the near future. Although I might like the fact that I can text on board, but I don't want some next to me yakking their brains out. So I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon. There are some people who also like not being reachable. I couldn't care either way. I just like a few moments of peace - it's irritating, someone talking loudly next to you...their conversations are NEVER interesting. It's almost as bad as someone eating next to you. Ha ha ha (evil laugh). I'm in the middle, and I bought a Oriental Chicken Salad (yum) that has a strong smell, but is really good. They're going to have to deal with it!
Jun 9, 2008
Wigs...for Cats
Ha, imagine this conversation:
"So what do you do?"
"I sell wigs...for cats"
Jun 3, 2008
Little Aeneas came to visit for a week and we had a great time with him...going to the beach and the pool. If we had a computer on, Aeneas would come over and say "le le le le le le" requesting this video. He would clap and dance around. It was adorable! I think this song is hilarious...especially the squeaky parts. I will forever have a smile on my face hearing this...
May 24, 2008
Last Weekend At NY/NJ
Group picture!
Top: Me, Saskia, Bernie
Bottom: Ralph, Anabelle, Doris, Grandma, Joo Joo, Brianna, Nicky & Melvin
May 13, 2008
May 5, 2008
Why Is It When...
Apr 28, 2008
Hibiscus Tea
This was the tea Anthony's mother kept's called Rosa de Jamaica in spanish otherwise known as Hibiscus Tea. She would add some cinnamon and maybe another thing or two. It was absolutely soothing and wonderful. It's known for lowering blood pressure. I brought home a huge bag of it. When I made it at home, I may have steeped it too long because it was a deep red and tasted way too tart. But I will play around with the amounts and steep time to get it better. It makes for a nice bedtime tea when done right.
Abu, The Capuchin Monkey
Apr 7, 2008
These trips to S. America are pretty adventurous...visiting his grandmother is a trek up the mountains. At least now with Lebeau and Beaudine for company, I won't be the silent observer. I'll be sure to post some pics when I get back. The funny thing is when we leave, their mother is coming to visit FL and stay at our house.
Apr 5, 2008
Mar 22, 2008
I've Been Dreaming About Love's True Kiss....
Feb 28, 2008
Feb 15, 2008
Strange Kitty
This cat is one of the most unique looking cats I've seen in a while. She's kinda wild too. When I held out my hand for her to sniff, she sniffed a few times, then bit. I jumped 10 feet in the air...everyone was laughing.
Jan 11, 2008
Cooking Mama 2
To offset my nighttime 4th meals, I joined the gym down the street. I like it a lot. The machines are new and uniform - all the same brand and color. (No mis-matched older machines like they had at the BQE...although I can't speak for the BQE in '08). The last time I was there this PT totally took over my workout and worked me out pretty good. That one was a freebie. I'd hate to find out how much they cost. It's addicting because you want to get into shape quickly and they push you harder then you would push yourself. But no, I can't afford it right now...