Man accused of molesting 9-year-old in park arraigned
A Queens man accused of molesting and punching a 9-year-old girl in Astoria Park was arraigned Tuesday on charges of sexual abuse, attempted kidnapping and endangering the welfare of a child and ordered held on $50,000 bail.
The suspect, Peter Belegrinos, 23, a former city hospital worker who lives near the park, did not speak during the proceeding in Queens County Criminal Court but his attorney said he pleads not guilty.
Belegrinos, of 20-64 24th St. in Astoria, who was wearing a blue T-shirt and long gray shorts, was arrested after the Monday attack after police matched him to the license plate of a car he left near the park. Police rushed to the park after receiving a 911 call about a child being assaulted.
Assistant District Attorney Paul Scotti told the court that the attack took place after Belegrinos approached the girl, her 12-year-old sister and a 9-year-old boy at Ditmars and Shore boulevards about 3 p.m. and asked them if they wanted to play "the kissing game."
The other two children ran away toward some bushes and Belegrinos told the 9-year-old girl to get into his car so they could catch up with them, Scotti said. But she ran off before he could get her in the car.
Scotti said Belegrinos then chased down the 9-year-old girl in his 1999 black Lincoln Town Car and grabbed her. He said Belegrinos punched her in the face, lifted her skirt, pulled down her underwear and groped her. The complaint said that as she tried to scream, he put his hand over her mouth and told her, "Can't you ever shut up."
Legal Aid attorney Howard Turman, in seeking $1,000 bail, said his client's recollection of what happened "differs dramatically than what the people claim."
Turman said Belegrinos, who plans to retain his own attorney, is in the Army Reserves, has an associate degree from Queensboro College and has been accepted into Lehman College to study nursing. He said his client has no criminal history.
The complaint says Belegrinos was suspended from his job at Psych Tech at Elmhurst Hospital in April.
At Turman's request, Criminal Court Judge Deborah Modica ordered that Belegrinos be held in protective custody.
Turman said that several relatives said they hoped to raise the bail money. In the meantime, several parents whose children play at the park expressed fear that such a thing could happen in what they said is normally a peaceful place."
Staff writer Anthony Pardo contributed to this story.
Link to full story:,0,3391902.story?coll=nyc-moreny-headlines
when I read articles like that I can't understand why castration is not a viable form of punishment in this country...
Yes! Kristina is right! Castration 2006!
scary, i know. I went to hs with him too! so i guess i went to hs with you also.
the kicker, i live on the same street as the incident and a few blocks from him.
he's mentally ill and now's he's jumped bail. great! wtf.
does he have two brothers? nick and john???????
Yup, Nick & John...
joh built like a brick house .... nick long hair????
Yup, John built like a house, lol. IDK if he kept it up though. And I don't think I ever seen the little brother idk if he has long hair or not.
CRAP!! I know them through a friend of mine who is involved with John - John's kinda hot .... do I say anything? ugh
Hmm...tough call. If the relationship gets more serious, then definitely John should be the one to let your friend know the deal. BUT, if you fear for your friend's safety...then maybe you should let her know.
Lol, how'd you find my blog?
By googling his last name because it is getting serious and i am suspicious by nature .... there is a TON of stuff about the fugitive brother (he fled to Greece apparently after skipping out on bail-- all ove the net).
LOL, you're a great friend! :) I haven't looked for anything else on Peter after seeing that article...I'm going to look now. At least now he's far away???
Being a great friend can be tough. ike I said before the question is do I say something. It is not his or his brother's fault that Peter did what he did but man -- would YOU want to marry one of them knowing their brother did something like that AND left the country? Read up on him.
You sure she doesn't know anything at all about this? If I were in her shoes, I would want to know. Just think about that.
I'm starting to read up on him. OMG, he skipped out on bail....
Yea, he skipped out and even interpol is looking for him ... he's somewhere in Greece UGH ... I am going to suggest she learn everything she can about his family .... plant a seed to search .... do the "do you know everything about his family?" stuff
How do you know he's in Greece? Yeah you can suggest that she google his last name...MB even while sitting around the computer with her say I'm going to google "Belegrinos" and see what comes up...then say OMG, look at this...
Hope it works!
good idea .... how do i know he is in Greece? there are about two articles that say he fled to Greece via England and his credit card was used twice in Greece .... is about guys like him
Wow, INSANE. Who would have think someone you went to HS with is now a wanted fugitive. When he was in HS, I thought he was a nice kid. He was kinda cute...and very likable. What the hell happened? Mental illness I guess. He looks disturbed in his mugshot.
I hope they catch him...
I hope they do too. John's not a bad guy but this guy needs to do his time. Anyway, I am sorry for taking up so much of your time. Thanks for letting me be a part of your blog. LOT'S OF LUCK!!
I remember John being class he was so quiet and you know how he was huge? I called him "The Rapist" because I thought HE looked scary. Ironically, he's not the Belegrinos to be scared of!
I wish you the best too...and hey, would you keep me posted on the developments? :)
John is a very nice guy and very friendly. A little loud now - but in an outgoing nice way. Very datable but I guess one needs to watch out for one's friends -- and not persecute Peter's family either. I will definitely keep you up to date. Gotta run, storm # 24 for the month of June is starting. UGH!!!!!
So the SOB was caught at Schipol airport in Amsterdam in 2011. he fought extradition but the Queens DA office was able to get his butt back. He's 30 now and lived in either Greece with his huge family or as one English paper suggested he was hiding out in the Netherlands. They described him as having a beard and long wavy black hair now. Of course, he was on the run. He's facing 15 year for his crime and another 4 for fleeing. I would love to know how his family got the 50,000$ bail so fast and HOW he fled the country!!! Says a lot for the type of people his family are. Its my understanding one brother is married with a kid and the other one is engaged. I feel for those women.
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