Nov 14, 2006


I have a project to scan all my childhood photos - for a personal archive. Although I'm noticing, some of my pictures have been removed...Annoying!

You'll probably see a post or two of my childhood nostalgia in the process. I also set myself up for another project: finding a new album. After taking all these pictures out, it's going to be a pain to put it back in the old sticky page format. The album is falling apart anyway.


k said...

a daunting task, but well worth it. We have a couple of drawers full of childhood photos and they're not even in an album...they're still in the original pharmacy paper envelopes. Scary!

Catherine said...

I have to do the same thing.

Marie said...

I was born before the digital camera age....I only have 1 album of childhood photos. Wish I had videos, that would have been awesome.

I could also photoshop them, and create new memories. As if I went to Disney, Chuck E Cheese, gave myself that Barbie doll house I always wanted...I'm just being silly.

I do want to get them printed and frame some of me & my family...