Dec 12, 2007
Dec 7, 2007
Dec 5, 2007
Graham Colton, The Last Goodnight & Colbie Caillat
The Last Goodnight was pretty good too. They sort of are like Maroon 5 with an edge. I enjoyed hearing their main single "Pictures of You" among other songs.
Lastly, Colbie Caillat came on. You could SO tell this was their biggest concert yet. She looked nervous, like she was really concentrating on singing. Got the "deer in headlights" thing going on, but later she warmed up a bit. Her songs are actually really good, at first I thought they were boring but they grew on me. Bubbly is NOT my favorite. Her voice was impecable, her outfit was cute...but I just wish she smiled more and enjoyed herself a bit more. That sort of thing is contageous. I love really engaging preformers. She's new, so I'll give her a break. But her music is quality, she's going to get big if she isn't already.
Best part about this free concert besides the price, is that a friend gave me a helpful tip about bringing lawn chairs. I did, and I didn't have people breathing down my neck. However, this one girl tried to climb on my chair and I shot her the dirtiest look and asked what the heck she thought she was doing. Something about the amount of people in concerts that always makes me wanna fight. I don't know what it is. People are always crossing the line somehow...

Nov 23, 2007
Picture Posts
Nov 14, 2007
Scam Alert
I'm trying to sell my car, and recently was contacted by They are a financing company who for a small fee of $299 will list your car on their website targeted at people with bad credit. And they would refund the ENTIRE amount if your car doesn't sell within 90 days.
Now he said he already had buyers in my area that would be interested in looking at my car. The man, Brian, sounded nice but pushy. So pushy in fact, he wanted me to pull over and give him a credit card number while I was driving. I used driving as an excuse and called me back when I arrived home. I made some excuse about having to check my credit card before I charge it and then went online and googled them.
Turns out, it's ONE BIG FILTHY SCAM. So next time he calls me, he's going to have to hear how disgusting I think he is, or the pansy will just hang up as I am speaking. I can't stand people who try to scam you for money. They are low life, no good people...I could go on...but I wont. I'll save it for Brian when he calls me tomorrow. Ha ha ha.
Nov 9, 2007
I Wasn't Suppossed To Shop...
I visited the location of Carnaby Street. Carnaby/Oxford/Regent Streets are all good streets to shop - if you're looking for a one stop shop kind of deal. Perfect if you don't have a lot of time. They have some tourist shops, but have the necessary basics such as Next, H & M, Super Drug, a Victoria's Secret equivalent "La Senza" and even high end shops. I bought a classic logo mug from the Whittard location there.
After taking another brief and childish stop at David & Goliath, I headed for the B Never cosmetic shop. And Gata was right - I definitely could not come all this way and not visit this place! I spent quite a bit of time there lingering, admiring the packaging and mostly figuring out what to buy because I wanted everything! The funky-girly packaging is all handmade in India (Fair Trade) and everything is natural and vegan which I love especially since my whole skin care line is natural. The carved wooden pots of glitter and jeweled eye shadow casings decorated as cakes made me feel like I was 16 and going through my glitter indulging time period and also like a child in my Barbie faze, but the cosmetic feature matures and adds the element of "woman" to the entire experience. Bottom line whatever mixed feelings you get, you could probably narrow it down to a completely womanly-girly thing, the sort of things any woman can indulge in.
I ended up playing with colors and had a multicolored left hand by the end of it all. I bought liquid cream eye shadows that you can use as a liner or smear and blend as a shadow. Mixing a light golden base with a purple or green was simple exquisite. And don't think you can just see a color without trying it. A color could look really bold, but when put on, it's iridescent tones soften it up. At the same time, to achieve really bold color (which I have to admit, scares me a bit) can be done by laying - first a cream shadow, sweeping the lids with a complementary shade of pressed powder and finishing with glitter. The look is really dramatic and looks Friday-night ready. On the flip side, the eye shadow can also be used lightly for a daytime look. My profession requires me to be in and out of corporate environments so I will be keeping it light. The quality and luminosity is just crazy-good!
In the end, I bought some as gifts, but ended up with 5 pressed eyeshadow powders, 2 cream ones, a glitter pot in Iris and purple hair mascara (one or two streaks framing the face is brilliant). Gata why did you introduce me to this place?!? They also had lotions and cleansers, bath products as well as fragrances but thankfully I'm all good in that department. Good news is, they are connected with Lush and will be expanding to North America starting in Canada. Their goal is to have one BNever store next to every Lush. I cannot wait, first of all to have access to one nearby, and second of all to be paying dollars instead of pounds!
Do You Know The Muffin Man?
Travelocity STINKS - Beware!
I tried calling Travelocity to change the ticket and they first were blabbing about some "change fee" but when they saw I had already flown to my first destination they said they could NOT CHANGE A THING DUE TO THEIR POLICIES. Da heck? They STINK. And I want everybody to hear it.
I hope that roaming gnome croaks!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 6, 2007
Spinning Away...
Pic Problems
I don't know why I'm having problems with pics on my blog. For my next set of pics, I'll upload them to a google web album instead. It's a lot to see anyway. I'll go back and try to fix the others....stay tuned!
Nov 1, 2007
Taryn Simon, Thai Pubs & a Wandering Fox
It was quite interesting over all...seeing the confiscated food room in JFK Airport was cool, but one picture that sort of disturbed me was of a mentally retarded white tiger. The caption stated that in the US, all white tigers are inbred to achieve the white coat, pink nose & blue eyes. The one in the picture was a "bad product". It had a smushed in nose and due to that, it had problems breathing and closing it's mouth. It's forearms were deformed so it walked with a limp. The others in his litter were not considered good either. I thought that was awful. Why do they have to breed the tigers? Either import a natural one from abroad, or don't have any at all! Does America have to have everything? Poor tiger freak!
On a better note, I went to dinner last night - had Thai food in a PUB. Yes, that's right - this is England of the future! Pubs serving Thai. The food was good! The other night we had walked from Liverpool Street over London Bridge to experience Wagamama's. An Asian noodle joint. It was a good experience. Only thing that was slightly annoying was the picnic tables. But we were seated next to a wall so it was a little more private. And I love the fact that over here we don't have to tip as much. Back in US, I don't even want to go out due to the extra money spent on tax & tip. If you ever do go, I'd say visit the London Bridge location, it's built under a rail bridge and is a really awesome spot, with the dark, windy, small cobblestone streets and packed pubs at every corner.
Another weird animal sighting - You know the other day I saw Parakeets in a tree, well last night we saw a young fox wandering the streets. I've never even seen a fox before! What will I see next?
Anyway, I have to get going now. Tonight we are going to Paris via EuroStar and I have to pack a few things. We are going for 4 days. We're actually going to try to book a sleeper rail to Rome and use 2 of our days there. We'll see what happens. If not, 4 days in Paris is still good!
Another shop I fancied (hee hee) was David & Goliath. I know we used to sell some of their stuff in Lord of The Fleas back in the day, so I refrained from buying anything. I later checked online and saw loads of things on sale, so I indulged a bit. Hey! At least I wasn't spending Brittish Pounds!!
Liverpool St, Cont'd...
An English Newsstand
Inside the station - you can catch the tube or rail from here.
During rush hour, it's simply madness.
Just for you Gata, Tiffenbites and Pret A Manger...
Liverpool Street
Just walk into a Mc Donalds or something!
Liverpool Street Station
Oct 30, 2007
Me looking like a dork!
Big Ben...sprouting from my head.
London by night...looking through the EYE
Oct 23, 2007

"We eat what we like!" (Anybody remember that?)

Brianna, playing Guitar Hero. I wont tell you which song.

Ikea Is Here!
I don't agree with their current slogan which says "Life Happens On The Sofa". I think that's very TMI.
I got these magazine holders to organize all my work crap:

I'm going to label them with my label maker later. I'm such a dork!
Oct 13, 2007
Old Dirty Jersey
So I'm having a pretty good time. OH! I forgot to mention that everything's going well, despite my aunt's car being broken into Saturday morning. I went to pick up the car and gasped at seeing the window smashed open - it was because I put my GPS suction thingy in the window, can you believe it? Gotta love New York City....sigh....
I've been having a blast on Skype, seeing family in Norway, and seeing Ant in London, and friends in Costa Rica. I can't believe it's free and can't believe I'm only getting started now. It's so much fun...I've encouraged Gata to get into it, only because I can show her my cats from time to time - I know she'd appreciate that. Lol. E-mail me if you want my Skype name.
Brr, it's chilli now! Im acclimated to warm weather. I'll be fine though...
Has anyone played Guitar Hero II on Playstation? It's really fun! My little cousins know a lot of words to some head banging's a little scary. Anyway, I'll add pics later.
Oct 1, 2007
September Just FLEW By....

Just busy with work and getting organized at home. I found an awesome massage place, that's practically on my way home from work. I did a 30 minute session today just on my back alone. My muscles are so tight. It felt so good. She did this compression thing, and my back cracked a lot. Must have needed an adjustment. I went to dinner at this couple's was so good and the almond coconut cup cake was just amazing. Then I picked up an air filter for my air conditioning system. I bought a lavender scented gel thingy to attach to it, so the air smells like lavender when the air is running. Aromatherapy.
I'm coming to NY soon. Again. I love going to NY...except it's cooler now. Hope it's not too bad. I've adjusted to a warmer climate. I'm going to see my cousins. This is strictly a family visit. :)
I recently ordered some supplements from Juice PLUS which is fruits & vegetables in a capsule since we don't eat enough daily. I don't know if it's a faze, but a lot of people are getting into it. It's mainly because people are into health and wellness like never before.
Anyway, ttyl.
Aug 27, 2007
Aug 20, 2007
Start Spreading The News....
Well, I've been pretty busy with work...I also was named as the person to take over local socialite Ruthie's place - and organize groups and I'll be also busy in the weekend. I'll try to plan soothing things like the the beach on Sunday evenings, and barbecues in other people's houses. Ha ha.
Jul 24, 2007
Jul 23, 2007
You Loggerhead!
I Got A $15 Haircut Today....
They say the short bob is "in" this summer because of it's wash and go factor. I think the last time I had a "bob" I was 13 and not too happy with it.
Jul 18, 2007
See You Later Alligator!
That same weekend, the night before we went to the beach late at night to look for Loggerhead turtles coming out of the sea and laying eggs. We basically camped in one spot and stayed quiet while some members of our group went looking for one. When they found one, we would come near and camped. We watched as she started digging, then she would move up and keep moving up until she hit the grass. When she decided she didn't like the area, she turned around and headed back to shore. We all surrounded her at that point, and were just in AWE at how large she was and so amazed at the Loggerhead turtle's seasonal ritual. She stopped at times to catch her breath, then gaining more confidence as she touched water, she disappeared into the ocean as we tried searching for her with our flashlights. I don't think I will ever tire of seeing that. For those that haven't seen anything like it, I suggest you definitely do. Nature is never boring and there are some pleasures in life that are still free.