Friday I was stuck in an airport...due to LGA being backed up big time. It was alright, I spent most of the time on the phone and I grabbed some food. It was good to see my cousin from the Philippines, and now I'm in NJ spending time with my little cousins. I'm the oldest of course, then there's Gaelle who's still in the Philippines, then Ralph, then Saskia, then Nicki and Briana. We're going to take pics tomorrow since it's the first time all 5 of us are together. Too bad Gaelle isn't here.
So I'm having a pretty good time. OH! I forgot to mention that everything's going well, despite my aunt's car being broken into Saturday morning. I went to pick up the car and gasped at seeing the window smashed open - it was because I put my GPS suction thingy in the window, can you believe it? Gotta love New York City....sigh....
I've been having a blast on Skype, seeing family in Norway, and seeing Ant in London, and friends in Costa Rica. I can't believe it's free and can't believe I'm only getting started now. It's so much fun...I've encouraged Gata to get into it, only because I can show her my cats from time to time - I know she'd appreciate that. Lol. E-mail me if you want my Skype name.
Brr, it's chilli now! Im acclimated to warm weather. I'll be fine though...
Has anyone played Guitar Hero II on Playstation? It's really fun! My little cousins know a lot of words to some head banging's a little scary. Anyway, I'll add pics later.
I saw some guy playing Guitar Hero at Best Buy once... he was in his own rock star world. Danger lurks!
Yeah, send me your Skype name.
I don't have a webcam though...can I still use it?
You could still use it, you would see and hear me, but I could only hear you. If you want to see how it works, just ask Gata to call me while you're over there. It's so much fun. The other day I was sick, and basically watched her make her whole dinner like a cooking show.
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