I had a great weekend in the company of Lisa, Pete, Stef & JP but sadly we didn't take any photos! What the heck? Actually, I know why I'm not eager to whip out my lil' point & shoot. It's an Olympus cam, it can go underwater and is pretty cool. But I'm really not impressed by the quality of these little camera's anymore...When I dabbled in photography a while back, it was an SLR camera - but it's film. I don't want to get rid of it, because film pics are still cool to me, they have that grain that you just don't get with digital. The only reason why I'm not going trigger happy with it now is because I'm too broke to pay for developing. I've done it for many years, and it really adds up. Now I'm really wishing for a Nikon D60 - no, not because Ashton is promoting it, but because Stef told me last night, it rivals Canon Rebel but is much simpler to manage. I like simplicity. I really really really wanna get back into taking pics again...artistically...although it is a challenge in south Florida because I feel in NY I relied mainly on the coolness of "The Big City" to make my shot cool. Anyway, I may take out my Canon SLR and just not develop the pics until much later, make like a time capsule of it. OR I can learn how to develop my own pics. On a related note, Lisa is into knitting now - and since giving up on knitting a while back because I felt it was too complicated for me, I may just pick it up again. :) It would be cool to know how to knit things.
Pam knits...and loves it!
As for photography, I think you have a lot of good photo ops right in your backyard. The duck! Or you could always visit NY (it won't be cold forever) and run around the city with your future Nikon.
That's TRUE. I also like candid portrait photography...it's hard to do since people get self conscious when a camera is pointed at their face - me included, big time. Yeah, I could take some nature pics...lol. I need to pick that up again...but it will be in the future - with my future Nikon. I'm also getting travel bug looking at people's photos, I can't look anymore! It's horrible. I wanna go to Europe with my future Nikon and really explore. I loved Rome - and still want to go back because there are still things I did not see...but obviously there are many other places like Florence and Venice that are worth seeing.
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